[FoME] Information Ecosystems & Resilience

Christoph Dietz Christoph.Dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Fr Jan 23 11:03:28 CET 2015

Why information matters: a foundation for resilience
By Tara Susman-Peña
Internews, 2014

"This report: 1. Defines information ecosystems and proposes an
analytic framework of eight critical dimensions for understanding them
...; 2. Analyzes information ecosystems across a spectrum of change and
their impact on resilience, referencing four case studies of
Internews’ previous work 3. Shares insights from the Jakarta
Information Ecosystems pilot, which investigated the relevance of
information ecosystems to communities living in chronically flood-prone
environments; and 4. Reveals the utility of an information ecosystems
approach and highlights preliminary conclusions on why information
matters for resilience." (p.2)

What is an information ecosystem? (page 11)
The term information ecosystem is used to describe how local
communities exist and evolve within particular information and
communication systems. Within these systems, different types of news and
information may be received from outside then passed on to others
through word of mouth, key community members, phone, the Internet, and
the like. An examination of an information ecosystem looks at the flow,
trust, use and impact of news and information. An information ecosystem
is not a static entity; it is by nature constantly evolving and

Eight critical dimensions of information ecosystems (pp. 31-41):
a) Macro Environment/Key Structures: Information Landscape; Dynamics of
b) Content Distribution/Consumption: Production and Movement;
Information Needs; Information Use
c) Human/Social Insights: Social Trust; Influencers; Impact

What is resilience? (p. 18)
"Resilience is the capacity of individuals, communities, and systems to
survive, adapt, grow, and even transform in the face of change, stress,
shocks, and disruption" (adapted from the Rockefeller Foundation)
"Resilience focuses on enhancing the performance of a system in the
face of multiple hazards, rather than preventing or mitigating the loss
of assets due to specific events" (City resilience Framework, Arup)
Four case studies (p. 22-24, p. 48-73):
- Instability and Underdevelopment in Fata, Pakistan
- Great East Japan Earthquake 2011
- Myanmar's Democratization and Opening
- Three Environmental Disasters in Indonesia
Information Ecosystem Typology (p. 28-29):
- Type 1: Mismateched - This typology is characterized by low rankings
on most dimensions of the information ecosystem, and an overall
mismatching of information needs and provision ... This type of
mismatching, exemplified in the Pakistan case study, suggests low
resiliency and the ability for any shock to the system to lead to a
worsening situation.
- Type 2: Emerging - This typology is characterized by mid-range
rankings across most indicators. The mix of various political, physical,
and institutional infrastructure factors has led to stronger information
flows and rising levels of trust ... This type of emerging information
ecosystem, as exemplified in the Myanmar and Indonesia case studies,
suggests engineering resilience: the potential to return to status quo
after a shock.
- Type 3: Evolving - This typology is characterized by high rankings
across most indicators. The existence of strong infrastructure,
information flows, and access creates a system in which influencers and
producers are not only aware of the informational needs but are
constantly adapting to meet them. Information is plentiful, dynamic, and
engaged. This type of active information ecosystem, as exemplified in
the Japan case study suggests a complex adaptive resilience and the
potential for the impacted community to recover and strengthen after a

Christoph Dietz
Postfach 10 21 04 
D-52021 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 14
Fax: 0049 - 241 - 70 13 12 33
christoph.dietz at cameco.org 

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