[FoME] Market Research Study on Media, Mobil, Internet and Social Media in Sub-Saharan Africa

Michel Philippart Michel.Philippart at CAMECO.ORG
Do Okt 9 10:36:12 CEST 2014

Balacing ActAfr has just published a large market research study on
Media, Mobil, Internet and Social Media in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Some of the findings are in an article on the link below:

You can download for free any of the 4 reports from the study by going
to our home page and looking in the right hand column.

Source:  Russell Southwood, Balancing Act 
Skype: Russell_balancingact

Balancing Act's News Update (telecoms and Internet in Africa:
Balancing Act's Broadcast, film and convergence (broadcast and film in
Africa): www.balancingact-africa.com

Michel Philippart
Africa and Middle East Desk
Postfach 10 21 04
D-52021 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: 0049-241-70 13 12 17
Fax: 0049-241-70 13 12 33
E-Mail: michel.philippart at cameco.org
Skype: m_philippart
Twitter: m_philippart
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