[FoME] study on farmers communication in Kenya - it's the radio

Spurk Christoph (skcp) skcp at zhaw.ch
Di Mär 25 09:01:15 CET 2014

How do small scale farmers really get information about improving their farming, and how do they assess this information?  A research project, carried out by the Institute of Applied Media Studies in Winterthur / Switzerland and the Multimedia University in Nairobi/ Kenya interviewed 600 small scale farmers in Kenya and investigated their information needs and patterns.  In brief, the main results of the survey point to the dominant role of radio as the main media channel used by almost all farmers for receiving agricultural information - and much less the mobile phone that is supposed to be the new information tool by Western donors and NGOs; the high credibility of Government extension services as the most trusted source regarding agricultural information; and the apparent gap between what farmers need in information and what they get from various services:  Most farmers don't like the top-down approach applied by many services and instead favour to be informed about various options for existing problems. The study is can be downloaded here: http://www.linguistik.zhaw.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/linguistik/_Institute_und_Zentren/IAM/PDFS/News/final_report_Kenya_agri_communication_IAM_MMU_01.pdf

Kind regards
Christoph Spurk

Christoph Spurk
Institute of Applied Media Studies (IAM)
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
Theaterstrasse 15c
CH 8401 Winterthur
Phone: +41-58-934 70 64
Office Bern: +41-31-352 00 08
Mobile: +41-79-214 68 77
skcp at zhaw.ch<mailto:skcp at zhaw.ch>

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