[FoME] Invitation South Sudan Inside-Out, 8th July 2014 (#DefyHateNow)

stephen kovats kovats at r0g-media.org
Mi Jun 25 01:43:48 CEST 2014

Dear FOME friends and colleagues, 

as somewhat of a follow-up to an initiative I posted about earlier this year regarding 'open license' film, video and other media for use in urgent humanitarian work on the ground by UNESCO in South Sudan, we are preparing an event within the #DefyHateNow initiative addressing the issue of hate speech and directed social media incitement to violence in the South Sudan conflict. Please find below the invitation to 'South Sudan Inside-Out: Rebooting the Peace' which will take place at Humboldt University in Berlin, at 19.00 on July 8th. If you are interested, but not in Berlin or able to attend in person, the event will be streamed live, and moderated such that the online remote audience can participate directly and interact with the speakers. For those duly inclined ... you should be able to catch the World Cup semi-final later that evening, or join the rest of us at the weekly telekommunisten.net Stammtisch at Café Buchhandling (Tucholsky Str. 32, 10119 Berlin).   

I look forward to seeing you in Berlin or online, 

Stephen Kovats

              and                          invite you to ... 

South Sudan Inside-Out: Rebooting the Peace


©Tim McKulka CC-BY-SA Wikipedia.de

Since December 15, 2013, merely two years after its hard won independence, the world's newest country, South Sudan has hit the public's attention for all the wrong reasons. Headlines rife with reports of brutal violence, a massive humanitarian crisis and ongoing political chaos question whether true peace is at all possible. Although ceasefires and peace agreements have been been signed by president Salva Kiir Mayardit and his opponent, former vice president Riek Machar, a viable solution for solving the conflict is yet to be found.

On July 8th, the eve of South Sudan's third independance day we turn our view to the broader forms of active public interaction with the current situation both inside and outside the country. What role, for example, does the international diaspora play in either fueling the conflict or re-establishing peace? In what may be an increasingly globally manipulated conflict, waged in part by the ubiquity of social media, what are the creative means that can be found to counter hate speech and directed campaigns that incite violence on the ground? How can we harness the power of new media to open up civil society? And what are the chances and challenges that South Sudanese youth see for the future of their country ... can they play a stronger, more influential role to #DefyHateNow?

Introduction: Christoph Strässer, German Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid

Dr. Leben Nelson Moro     Center for Peace and Development Studies, University of Juba, South Sudan 
Sieta Majok                          Writer, Blogger and Co-Founder of #TalkOfJuba
Marina Peter                        Sudan Forum e.V.
Achwil Biong Arop Kuol     First Secretary, Charge d'Affaires, Embassy of the Republic of South Sudan in Germany

Moderation: Dr. h.c. Volker Faigle, Official Envoy of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany to Sudan and South Sudan
Further Information:


The event will also be streamed and moderated live for online remote participation - we'd like to hear your voice and views wherever you are located! 
Please consult the Time Zone Converter for your local event time.

Date: Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Time: 19.00 - 20:30 CEST Berlin (UTC / GMT +2)

Venue: Senatssaal (Humboldt University), Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin


RSVP please until 2nd July 2014

via mail: anmeldung at deutsche-afrika-stiftung.de


With many thanks to our supporting event partners:


The German Africa Foundation e.V. is funded by the German Federal Foreign Ministry. 

r0g_agency for open culture and critical transformation gGmbH

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brunnenstrasse 69
13355 berlin

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 //  ------------------  //

'We choose to do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard"
JFK, Rice University, 1961

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