[FoME] Kenya: When words were weapons

Angelika Mendes-Lowney international.fundraising at jrs.net
Do Jan 30 09:58:55 CET 2014

New report documents how Kenya's media turned the tide on hate speech and

When violence broke out in the final days of 2007 after a bitterly contested
election in Kenya, Internews responded within days, working with journalists
who were trying and failing to make sense of the unprecedented post-election
conflict that swept across their country.


Now, a new report - When Words were Weapons - has been released that details
the projects that Internews conducted during the past five and a half years
aimed at training the media in conflict sensitive journalism approaches.
These projects include:


Mission Possible (2008)

Reporting for Peace (2008-2009)

Land & Conflict Sensitive Journalism (2010-2013)

Free and Fair Media (2011-2013)

Talk Check (2013)

Internews trained some 750 journalists, using its conflict sensitive
journalism and follow-up mentoring methodology geared to the Kenyan context.
The training resulted in more than 5,500 conflict-sensitive stories on the
peace, reconciliation and reform process.


Above all, the report tells the stories of the journalists who were
determined to report on the elections and conflict, and the critical role
they played as members of Kenya's media throughout the political transitions
over the last five years. The media will continue to be challenged playing a
key role as Kenya's democracy evolves.


Full report:




Angelika Mendes-Lowney

International Fundraising Coordinator

Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)

Borgo Santo Spirito 4

00193 Rome, Italy


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