[FoME] Media Consumption in Syria: New Audience Research Report by AUB & MiCT

Roman Deckert roman.deckert at gmail.com
Mi Aug 13 16:29:05 CEST 2014

MiCT is pleased to announce the publication of a data research project that
surveyed for the first time Syrians about their media consumption with the
assistance of the American University in Beirut (AUB).

Who is watching what?

While Syrians everywhere rely predominantly on satellite television for
their information, huge potential remains for radio, which is less widely
available in anti-regime controlled and contested areas (74% compared to
92% in government controlled areas). The number of people who actually use
the radio as a source of information is comparable in both areas at 60% of
those who have access. At the same time, Syrians in anti-regime controlled
and contested areas are far less likely to name a radio station they trust
compared to respondents in government-controlled parts of Syria, which may
indicate that listeners in contested areas are currently badly serviced due
to the dominance of radio stations that are close to the regime.

More than 1.400 interviews were conducted in Syria (Damascus, Deir el Zour,
Hamah, Homs, Rakka and the Kurdish areas in the north) as well as in
refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey by media and journalism
professor Dr. Jad Melki and his AUB team.

Funding for the project was provided by the German Federal Foreign Office.

Download the full report here:
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