[FoME] ifa-DW-Conference "European citizens and the media" 7 May 2014 Berlin

Widmaier, Sarah Widmaier at ifa.de
Fr Apr 11 17:13:04 CEST 2014

Lieber Herr Dietz,

Könnten Sie diese Veranstaltungsinformation über den Verteiler schicken?

Für Rückfragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.

Herzlichen Dank und viele Grüße,

Sarah Widmaier

Sarah Widmaier
Media Department
Scientific Coordinator "Research Programme"
ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen)
Charlottenplatz 17, D-70173 Stuttgart
Phone +49.711.2225.214
Fax +49.711.2225.29214


Dear all,

ifa and Deutsche Welle kindly invite you to the conference

"The European Citizen and the Media - Does Communication Enhance Participation?" on

Wednesday, 7 May 2014, 9.30 am - 4.45 pm,

Representation of the European Commission in Berlin, Unter den Linden 78, 10117 Berlin

Interest in the European Union (EU) and the participation of citizens in public discussions on issues pertaining to the EU is very low throughout Europe. This is shown by, amongst other things, low voter turnout in European elections. What conditions are necessary in order to stimulate interest in issues concerning Europe as a whole, and foster participation in public debates on those issues by the European citizenry? What can be done by broadcasters and other institutions to encourage citizens to take action? Which formats are best suited to these goals?

These and other questions will be discussed with media professionals and scholars along with labs, foundations and citizen initiatives.

We would be happy to welcome you at the Representation of the European Commission in Berlin and invite you to take part in the discussions. Please find the programme of the conference here: http://www.ifa.de/fileadmin/pdf/fopro/programme_european_citizens_media.pdf

Please confirm your participation by 25 April 2014 to Yvonne Michalik: Michalik at ifa.de<https://owa.ifa.de/owa/redir.aspx?C=oQi6VGEesE2yHND2CeYnaOzaqT0FG9FI7IAierVm90uS8_NkbHjLgI1XpE8G32vahh0shdtYdmo.&URL=mailto%3aMichalik%40ifa.de>

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