[FoME] New publication - Cuban Americans and the Miami Media
Christine Lohmeier
christine.lohmeier at ifkw.lmu.de
Mi Apr 9 10:51:28 CEST 2014
Dear colleagues,
For those among you working on issues related to media and communication of
migrants, Cuba, Latin America, Hispanics, concepts of locales, memory and
ehtnographic methods, my recent book on the media of the Cuban American
community might be of interest:
Christine Lohmeier (2014).*Cuban Americans and the Miami Media.* Jefferson,
NC: McFarland.
This book makes a contribution to the debates on diasporic identities and
transnational communication. It provides an analysis of the Cuban American
community and its relationship to Miami-based English- and Spanish-language
media. Based on extensive ethnographic data, the author demonstrates how
different media have been used, produced and influenced by segments of the
Cuban American community in Miami.
After establishing the significance of Miami as a locale to receive a high
number of migrants after the Cuban revolution in 1959, what follows is an
exploration of the interplay of collective Cuban American identity and the
evolution of an exile community on the one hand and media institutions and
their output on the other. In doing so, Miami-based press, radio, network
television and online media are examined. The author moreover shows how
mediated memories of pre-revolutionary Cuba have been kept alive in Miami
and over time became more inclusive through the use of new media
Best regards,
Christine Lohmeier.
Dr. Christine Lohmeier
Managing Editor *Communication Theory*
University of Munich
Department of Communication Science & Media Research
Oettingenstrasse 67, 80538 Munich, Germany
*christinelohmeier.com <http://christinelohmeier.com> *www.ifkw.lmu.de
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