[FoME] European Summer School on Internet governance - Call for applications

Wolf Ludwig wolf.ludwig at comunica-ch.net
Mo Jan 21 22:44:20 CET 2013

FYI – sorry for any cross posting.

EuroSSIG – apply now!
Do you want to know what the political, economic, social and legal implications of Internet Governance are? Do you want to learn what is behind acronyms like ICANN, RIR, DNS, ccTLD, gTLD, iDN, IPv6, ISP, IETF, WHOIS, IGF, and WSIS? Do want to get  detailed information about Internet standards, protocols, codes, domain names, IP addresses, registries and registrars? Are you interested to look deeper into the opportunities and risks of the emerging global Internet economy?
Then you should apply for the “2013 European Summer School on Internet Governance” (EuroSSIG) and become a member of the SSIG alumni.
The 7th EuroSSIG course is taking place in Meissen / Germany, on 04.-10. August 2013.
Details can be found on:

We would be very thankful if you spread the message within your networks.
Best Wolfgang Kleinwächter and Sandra Hoferichter

s a n d r a  h o f e r i c h t e r
management and communication
European Summer School on Internet Governance (EuroSSIG)
medienstadt leipzig e.v. / netcom institute
pf 650 107
d-04189 leipzig
fon: +49.341.301 28 27
fax: +49.341.945 60 11
mobile: +49.163.380 87 85
info at hoferichter.eu

EuroDIG Secretariat
mobile +41 79 204 83 87
Skype: Wolf-Ludwig

EURALO - ICANN's Regional At-Large Organisation

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