[FoME] 4th Media Dialogue "Pakistan's Media Landscape: The Effects of Liberalization": Registration is open

katsiaryna.kryzhanouskaya at dw.de katsiaryna.kryzhanouskaya at dw.de
Fr Apr 12 15:26:36 CEST 2013

The registration for the 4th Deutsche Welle Media Dialogue (29th of May, 
2013, Bonn) is open. This year's focus is "Pakistan's Media Landscape: The 
Effects of Liberalization" (see the full program of the symposium 
attached). To register, please follow the link 
http://akademie-anmeldung.dw.de/MediaDialogue. Please do not hesitate to 
contact us at Mediendialog at dw.de, if you require additional information.

T +49.228.429-3531
F +49.228.429-3520
E-Mail: Mediendialog at dw.de

DW Akademie 
Deutsche Welle
53110 Bonn


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