[FoME] Chris Roper on Kony 2012

Angelika.Mendes at kas.de Angelika.Mendes at kas.de
Fr Mär 23 09:35:42 CET 2012

Dear Colleagues, 

due to connectivity problems, Markus Brauckmann from our office in 
Johannesburg asked me to share the following with you: 
More than 135 million views made the activist video “Kony 2012” an online 
sensation in recent weeks. It also redefined what social media can 
achieve. Exclusive for KAS Media Africa, Chris Roper (Online Editor, Mail 
& Guardian) takes a closer look at the phenomenon. You can read the full 
report at: http://www.kas.de/medien-afrika/en/publications/30563/

Angelika Mendes

Koordinatorin Internationales Medienprogramm/
International Media Programme Coordinator
Europäische und Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

Klingelhöferstr. 23
10907 Berlin

Tel.: +49 - (0)30 - 26996 - 3444
Fax: +49 - (0)30 - 26996 - 53444

E-Mail: angelika.mendes at kas.de


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