[FoME] fesmedia Africa series: "Participation Pays - The Sustainability of Community Broadcasting in Perspective"

Blanka Balfer blanka at fesmedia.org
Di Jan 24 15:10:24 CET 2012

Dear all,

This publication in the /fesmedia Africa series/ is the abridged version 
of the 2011 study of the sustainability of the Namibian community 
broadcasting sector conducted by David Lush and Gabriel Urgoiti for 
fesmedia Africa, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

The researchers developed an analytical framework that looked at the 
essential criteria of community broadcasters in three crucial areas of 
sustainablility: social, institutional and financial. The study found 
that many community broadcasters were increasingly competing with 
commercial stations instead of focusing on community participation and 
community services.

Crucial to achieving sustainability seems to be the development of the 
community broadcaster's uniqueness, community participation on all 
levels as well as transparency and accountability towards community 
members, especially in financial matters. Ultimately, this is likely to 
build trust and a strong sense of identity among the community, whose 
members are subsequently more likely to support their station. Social 
and institutional sustainability are hence prerequisites for financial 

Literature review and methodology were developed in a way that allows 
them to be used to assess the sustainability of community broadcasting 
in other countries.

The publication is available here:

for further details, find the original study on our website:
and ist appendices here:

Kind regards
Blanka Balfer

/Blanka Balfer/

/Programme Manager


P.O. Box 23652



Tel.: +264-61-237 438

Fax.:+264-61-237 441

URL: http://www.fesmedia.org <http://www.fesmedia.org/>

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