[FoME] Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung/fesmedia Africa: African Media Barometer (AMB) Cameroon 2011 (English/French)

Blanka Balfer blanka at fesmedia.org
Do Nov 24 17:51:47 CET 2011

Dear all,

Today the bilingual report of the African Media Barometer (AMB) Cameroon 
2011 was launched in Yaoundé.

The country's media plurality cannot go unnoticed: Cameroon boasts some 
500 newspapers and magazines, approx. a hundred radio and a dozen TV 
stations, and about ten multimedia platforms. An impressive record - 
however, these statistics do not match the overall level of the media 
development in terms of access, diversity, professionalism, ownership 
and ethical standards. This contrast can be explained by factors such as 
a lack of implementation of professional standards and media ethics - 
e.g. the low or even absent wages for journalists nourishing an 
ubiquitous corruption; and with Cameroon's media laws said to be of the 
most repressivein Africa and the government's tight grip on the national 
broadcaster, self-censorship is a widespread phenomenon.

Despite those challenges, new frontiers are being explored in Cameroon's 
media landscape: e.g. new media have experienced a remarkable growth, 
with platforms such as mobile telephone opening up additional access to 
information to citizens.

Read more in our report: 
Additional information on the AMB in general on our website 
as well as previous AMB country editions via 

Kind regards
Blanka Balfer


/Blanka Balfer/

/Programme Manager


P.O. Box 23652



Tel.: +264-61-237 438

Fax.:+264-61-237 441

URL: http://www.fesmedia.org <http://www.fesmedia.org/>

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