[FoME] African Media Barometer (AMB) Ethiopia out now! - Friedrich-Ebert-Stifung FES Ethiopia / fesmedia Africa

Blanka Balfer blanka at fesmedia.org
Mi Aug 17 15:21:51 CEST 2011

Dear all,

Attached you will find the AMB Ethiopia 2010. The report is also 
available here:

The /African Media Barometer/ is an in-depth and comprehensive 
description and measurement system for national media environments on 
the African continent. By now 28 African countries have been covered by 
the AMB. Unlike other press surveys or media indices the AMB is a 
self-assessment exercise based on homegrown criteria derived from 
African Protocols and Declarations like the "/Declaration of Principles 
on Freedom of Expression in Africa/" (2002) by the /African Commission 
for Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) 
<http://www.achpr.org/english/_info/news_en.html>/. It takes up the idea 
of the /African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) <http://www.aprm.org.za/>/ 
on good governance -- where African leaders conveniently forgot to 
include the media! -- and applies it to the media at a national level.

You will find additional information on the African Media Barometer on 
our website http://fesmedia.org/african-media-barometer-amb/ as well as 
previous reports via http://fesmedia.org/top/resources/amb-reports/#c102


Blanka Balfer

Blanka Balfer
Programme Manager
fesmedia Africa
P.O. Box 23652
phone: +264-61-237 438
fax:+264-61-237 441
blanka at fesmedia.org
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