[FoME] CfP Media Workshop Bamako

t.graetz tilo.graetz at uni-hamburg.de
Mi Sep 8 22:54:39 CEST 2010

VAD 2010 Publikation
Call for Papers
for a workshop on
Media Appropriations and Mediascapes in Subsaharan Africa: new media 
entrepreneurs and changing technical and social configurations of public 
Centre Point Sud, Bamako, Republicof Mali, 2-9/01/2011 
The workshop addresses new tendencies of media engagements in Subsaharan Africa 
by focussing on how various kinds of actors and media entrepreneurs in 
particular appropriate these media technologies. Recent scholarship has tended 
to focus on the press and the video industry as important mass media in 
Subsaharan Africa. We especially invite papers that address how various kinds of 
actors have drawn on radio and TV to capitalize on the new spaces of 
entrepreneurship and cultural creativity that have emerged from the 
liberalization of media landscapes since the early 1990s. Many African countries 
have witnessed the establishment of many new and (state-) independent radio und 
TV stations, along with a broadening and diversification of the institutional 
field of media production. Among the entrepreneurs who benefit from these new 
opportunities are those who, although they received formal training that 
prepared them for a career in media production, have been enormously successful 
in establishing themselves as leading media figures in this field. Other “media 
entrepreneurs” are individuals who, thanks so their mass-mediated appearances 
and particular preaching formats, draw large groups of supporters in their role 
as religious or political brokers. Forms of entrepreneurship also include 
numerous independent media production outlets that work on the basis of public 
or private contracts and benefit from the new opportunities of, and needs for, 
advertising emerging from transnational structures of commerce and finance. 

We especially invite ethnographically informed case studies of independent radio 
& TV stations and the forms and practices of creativity in which individuals 
engage who are affiliated with these stations (stations, journalists, 
presenters, technicians, those in charge of popular programs, etc.). Case 
studies should detail the everyday routines and media production strategies of 
these actors, as well as their interactions with media audiences on one side, 
and with public authorities on the other. Papers should address regionally or 
locally specific developments, or, alternatively, discuss what can be considered 
broader tendencies that reflect on transformations in media engagements 
throughout Subsaharan West Africa. Papers could also address methodological and 
conceptual challenges emerging for empirical research on radio- and 
television-mediated communication from recent transformations in national and 
transnational media landscapes in Africa. 

The workshop intends to bring together scholars working in European, African and 
US American academic contexts so as to contribute to on-going scholarly debate 
on theoretical and methodological perspectives on changing mediascapes in 
Subsaharan Africa. 

Participants are requested to send in draft versions of their paper (or extended 
abstracts of at least 6 pages) 4 weeks prior to the conference, to ensure a 
thorough preparation of the workshop discussion. PhD students in early phases of 
their research may submit an extended project outline.
Papers may be written in English or French, but the oral presentations during 
the workshop (20-25 mins.) should be given in English. Scholars able to draw on 
substantial empirical research at the doctoral and post-doctoral level are 
particularly encouraged to apply Costs for transport and accommodation for 
presenters and discussants will be covered (Program Point Sud/VW- foundation).
Paper abstracts of approximately 200 words and a short CV should be submitted by 
October 15, 2010, to the two organizers of the workshop: 

PD phil. habil Tilo Grätz, Free University of Berlin: tilograetz at yahoo.de   
Prof. Dorothea E. Schulz, Universityof Cologne: dschulz5 at uni-koeln.de
Date of notification for accepted paper proposals: November 8, 2010. 
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