[FoME] Vacancy – MICT English, Arabic and Somali Radio and Print Journalists/ Editors

Gunnar Maul maul at mict-international.org
Di Mär 23 14:39:29 CET 2010

*Vacancy Announcement
English, Arabic and Somali Radio and Print Journalists/ Editors at Media 
in Cooperation and Transition gGmbH (MICT)*

*Project Description*
The projects of MICT aim at the development of capacities of print and 
radio journalists in Iraq, Sudan, and Somalia. The projects include the 
qualification of local journalists, the production of locally produced 
journalistic pieces, and the content distribution.

*Project period*
The positions are still pending donor approval. Presumably the 
implementation period will be May 2010 until mid-2011.

*Duty station*
Berlin with travels to the project country or region (depending on 
security situation)

*Job Description*
•    Planning and setting of thematic agendas for production
•    Editing of articles and radio pieces from the respective project 
•    Developing training curriculum and delivery of training
•    Developing project website and content management

•    Extensive work experience as radio and/or print journalist/ editor
•    Training experience including the design and delivery of workshops
•    Minimum 5 years of professional work experience
•    Fluent language skills in English and Arabic or Somali
•    Fully computer literate
•    Experience in use of Content Management Systems (CMS) highly desired
•    Radio journalist/ editor: Experience in radio editing highly desired

*Contact Person*
Gunnar Maul
maul at mict-international.org

Gunnar Maul

maul at mict-international.org

Brunnenstr. 9
10119 Berlin

phone  ++49 30 4849302-12
fax       ++49 30 40 50 07 28

See also:
www.iraqiscope.org: to view and share films and clips from Iraq
www.niqash.org: the place to debate Iraq
www.mict-international.org: Media in Cooperation and Transition

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