[FoME] Still few places: European Dialogue in Belarus, Minsk 19.-28.3.2010

Christian Mihr mihr at n-ost.de
Di Jan 26 16:37:39 CET 2010

*Still four places left for European and international participants (no 
Germans -- sorry)*

People from CEE-countries pay the price for Polish participants, all 
others pay the price for Germans. Please apply until 3rd of February 2010.
*European Dialogue: State, Society and Churches in Belarus*
from Friday, 19.3.2010 till Sunday, 28.3.2010 in Minsk and surroundings*
The Protestant Academy Berlin, the Network for Reporting on Eastern 
Europe and the Belorussian Cultural and Educational centre ECUMENA 
jointly invite to an eight day European dialogue to Belarus. The 
activity is geared towards european journalists and representatives and  
volunteers from civil society and church.
At the centre of the European Dialogue are encounters with numerous 
representatives from civil society, politics, church, state and private 
owned media. The aim is to build up lively and sustainable European 
networks between different European actors, who engage in
various ways for democratic development and the strengthening of 
European bonds. By means of encounters with important politicians from 
the government and the opposition, representatives of Churches, civil 
society actors and representatives of international
organisations journalists will have the possibility to report more 
differentiated in their media.

All information you find online here:
You can apply online here:
With kind regards,


Ulrike Kind
Program Director Youth Education/ European Dialogue
Protestant Academy Berlin
Christian Mihr
Senior Editor
n-ost Network for Reporting on Eastern Europe, Berlin
Natalia Vasilevich
Cultural and Educational Centre ECUMENA, Minsk

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