[FoME] WG: JOB POSTING: Short-Term and Resident Media Specialists, Middle East and North Africa-MDD

Kohl, Astrid astrid.kohl at inwent.org
Fr Sep 25 12:00:19 CEST 2009

Mit besten Grüßen

Astrid Kohl

Leiterin des Internationalen Instituts für Journalimus (IIJ)
Head of the International Institute for Journalism (IIJ)
InWEnt - Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH
Capacity Building International, Germany
Stresemannstr.92, 10963 Berlin, Germany
Fon: + 49(0)30/43996-297, Fax: + 49(0)30/43996-260
astrid.kohl at inwent.org

InWEnt - Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40, 53113 Bonn; Registergericht: Amtsgericht Bonn, HRB 9942; Fon +49 228 4460-0, Fax +49 228 4460-1766
Vertretungsberechtigte Geschäftsführer: Dr. Sebastian Paust (Hauptgeschäftsführer), Bernd Schleich
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Erich Stather


From: Teresa Dekle [mailto:tdekle at irex.org]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 7:03 PM
To: Everyone
Subject: JOB POSTING: Short-Term and Resident Media Specialists, Middle East and North Africa-MDD

TITLE: Short-Term and Resident Media Specialists, Middle East and North Africa
DIVISION: Media Development Division
REPORTS TO: Director, Media Development Division
LOCATION: Middle East and North Africa

LOCATION: Middle East and North Africa


IREX is an international nonprofit organization providing leadership and innovative programs to improve the quality of education, strengthen independent media, and foster pluralistic civil society development.

Founded in 1968, IREX has an annual portfolio of over $60 million and a staff of 500 professionals worldwide. IREX and its partner IREX Europe deliver cross-cutting programs and consulting expertise in more than 100 countries.


IREX is identifying experts for media sector development and support projects in the Middle East and North Africa, including long-term resident assignments and short-term consultancies. Applicants should be able to demonstrate experience in implementing and managing media development programs and/or have a proven track record of providing expertise through training, mentoring, analysis or on-site consulting in one or more of the following areas:

 *   Journalistic professionalism
 *   New media technologies
 *   Newsroom management
 *   Content development and production
 *   Media business development
 *   Media law and regulation
 *   Media research and advertising
 *   Community media development
 *   Media sector association strengthening
 *   Journalism education


 *   Minimum five years professional experience in media-related field preferred
 *   Demonstrated commitment to media professionalism and pluralism required
 *   Demonstrated ability to design and delivery effective capacity building programming and/or professional consultations in one or more of the mentioned areas of media sector support
 *   Expertise in the Middle East or North Africa strongly preferred
 *   Experience managing or delivering donor-funded activities preferred
 *   Ability to lead and develop staff, manage budgets, and plan strategically and creatively to meet specified objectives required for long-term assignments
 *   Strong representational and organizational skills
 *   Ability to communicate professionally and provide written reporting in English required; Arabic language skills preferred.


Please apply online at our JOB BOARD at www.irex.org and indicate in your cover letter whether you are interested in long-term assignments. If you have difficulties with the online system, please send an email to jobboardhelp at irex.org with ATTN: DEV/MDD/MENA/NM in the subject line.



Teresa Dekle

Administrative Assistant


2121 K Street NW

Suite 700

Washington, DC 20037

Phone: 202 628 8188

Fax: 202 628 8189

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