[FoME] Buch Kino und Entwicklung in Burundi und Rwanda

Guido Convents guido.convents at signis.net
Mo Sep 29 18:05:57 CEST 2008


IMAGES ET PAIX. Les Rwandais et les Burundais face au cinéma et à l'audiovisuel.

Une histoire politici-culturelle du Ruanda-Urundi allemand et belge et des Républiques du Rwanda et du Burundi (1896 - 2008)


The Rwandans and Burundians have a fascinating filmographic and audiovisual history, in which a part of the history of Hollywood was also written. Since the emergence of film they have been faced with this invention, which was both an art and means of propaganda for the earlier colonial rulers and later for a variety of regimes. Hardly strange then that the first full length "Burundian" film wasn't made until 1992 and that it was only five years after the genocide that a Rwandan producer made a full-length film (Hundred Days). After 2003 it seemed that there was room in Rwanda and Burundi for all kinds of initiatives, thanks to greater political and cultural freedom and the digital revolution.
Guido Convents's book throws light on the protagonists of Rwandan and Burundian audiovisual culture, as regards the government, the public, the directors, the interpreters and distributors. He looks into the relationship between the Rwandan and Burundian populations and the images they produce, and notes that there are many causal connections. Rwandans and Burundians are very well aware of the role that audiovisual productions play in the peace process in the region.


Historian and anthropologist, Guido Convents is a renowned expert on films from the developing countries. He is a member of SIGNIS (Catholic Association for Communication and Media). He has authored several works on colonial and African films. In 1980 he began publishing regularly on topics affecting the entire great lakes region: Congo, Rwanda and Burundi. Along with Guido Huysmans he is the linchpin of the Africa Film Festival, and many other initiatives designed to preserve and promote the film and audiovisual heritage of Congo.


The book counts 608 pages, 185 photos, a 30-page bibliography, filmography, index, and extensive (500) footnotes.


The book can be ordered from

Africa Film Festival (vzw Film en Cultuurpromotie)
Leuvensebaan 323

3220 Holsbeek


simply transfer EUR 40 (postage included)

quoting the reference 'Images et Paix'.


account number. 001-2949740-46

BIC GEBABEBB /IBAN BE33 0012 9497 4046
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