[FoME] Summer School on Internet Governance in Meissen

Christoph Dietz christoph.dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Mi Feb 13 10:01:17 CET 2008

>>> Ralf Bendrath <bendrath at zedat.fu-berlin.de> 12.02.2008 18:11 >>>


Call for Application

2nd Summer School on Internet Governance (SSIG)
Meissen, July 25 - August, 31, 2007

The Internet, with more than 1.2 billion users worldwide, is the most
important infrastructure of the information age. The Internet influences
policies, economics and cultures on the global as well as on the local
level. Internet related issues like security and stability, freedom of
expression, privacy, eCommerce, new market opportunities, protection of
intellectual property, fight against cybercrime, development, digital
divide and others getting higher and higher priorities on the national
and international political agenda. To reach the UN Millenium
Development Goals (MDG) until 2015 the Internet is a crucial tool. For
some experts Internet Governance will become as important as it is
climate change today.

Do you want to understand, how and by whom the Internet is governed and
what the issues are which have made Internet Governance as one of the
new global conflicts of the diplomacy of the 21st century? Do you want
to know what the political, economic, social and legal implications of
Internet Governance are and what is behind ICANN, RIRs, ccTLDs, gTLDs,
iDNs, IPv6, IGF, WGIG and WSIS ? Do want to get more detailed
information on how technical Internet Standards, Protocols and Codes,
how the Domain Name 
System and the IP Address Space or the Domain Name market is evolving?
Than you should apply for the "2008 Summer School on Internet
Governance" (SSIG).

The 2008 Summer School offers a unique multidisciplinary high level 50
hours academic programme both for graduate students and young academics
as well as for junior professionals from private sector, government and
civil society. The programme is a well balanced mixture of theoretical
lectures with world leading academics as well as practical presentations
from well known experts working directly in the technical community, the
market or in policy. It offers also opportunities for interactive
communication with 
faculty members and among the fellows themselves by the daily evening
programme of students  presentations.

Members of the 2008 Faculty include, inter alia

- Prof. Olga Cavalli, University of Buenos Aires
- Bertrand de la Chapelle, Envoy of the Information Society, French
Foreign Ministry
- Avria Doria, Lulea Technology University, Chair of ICANNs GNSO
- Dr. William Drake, Graduate Institute for International and
Development Studies, Geneva
- Philipp Grabensee, Chairman of the Board of Afilias Ltd., Dublin
- Ayesha Hassan, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Paris
- Markus Kummer, Executive Secretary of the Internet Governance Forum,
- Prof. Milton Mueller, School of Information Studies, Syracuse
University, N.Y.
- Michael Niebel, European Commission, Member of ICANNs GAC, Brussels
- Prof. Jonathan Zittrain, Oxford Internet Institute (TBC)

The Faculty is chaired by Prof. Wolfgang Kleinwächter, University of

The 2008 Summer School on Internet Governance (SSIG) takes place in the
St. Afra Monastery of the "Evangelische Akademie Meissen" in Germany, a
historic place, where the father of the German enlightenment, Gotthold
Ephraim Lessing, went to school. Meissen is a 1000 years old small city,
famous for its "Meissen China", its very dry white wine and its old
fortress, gothic churches and historic wine cellars from July 25 - July
31, 2008. It is a 30 minutes train ride from Dresden Airport, which
connected by six daily shuttles to Munich and Frankfurt.

The Summer School on Internet Governance (SSIG) is organized by the
University of Aarhus and the Medienstadt Leipzig e.V., a recognized "At
Large Structure" (ALS) under ICANN Bylaws. It is sponsored by five TLD
Registries, among them as Golden Sponsor DENIC (.de), as Silver Sponsor
UNINETT (.no) and SIDN (.nl) and as Bronze Sponsor EURID (.eu) and
DotAsia (.asia). Additionally UNESCO, Diplo Foundation, GIGANET, ENOM,
Afilias, Dotberlin and others have partnered with the Summer School.

The fee of 1.000.00 EUR (plus 19% VAT) includes, next to the full
lecture programme

* six nights accommodation in single guest rooms of the academy,
* breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee and snacks & wine at the daily night
* one evening reception in the Meissen Procellanmanufactory,
* a gala dinner in the historic wine-restaurant "Vinzenz Richter",
* sightseeing events,
* free WiFi access and
* all teaching material.

There is a special fee for students of 500.00 EUR (plus 19% VAT). There
is also an opportunity to apply for support from the fellowship
programme which is still under development. Students will get a
certificate at the end of the Summer School.

Detailed information, including the Draft Programme and the electronic
"Application Form" as well as comments from 2007 Summer School Fellows
can be found under www.euro-ssig.eu <http://www.euro-ssig.eu/>

If you are interested in the Summer School on Internet Governance
(SSIG), please send Applications until May 31, 2008 by using the
electronic form on the website or contacting directly Sandra Hoferichter
(info at hoferichter.eu), the Secretary of the Summer School or Prof.
Wolfgang Kleinwächter (wolfgang at imv.au.dk), chair of the 2008 Faculty.

Members of the 2008 Programme Committee

Prof. Wolfgang Kleinwächter, University of Aarhus (Chair); Dr. William
J. Drake, Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies
Geneva; Prof. Milton Mueller, Syracuse University; Avria Doria, Lulea
Technology University; Bart Vastenburg, SIDN; Giovanni Seppia, EURID;
Sabine Dolderer, DENIC; Philipp Grabensee, Afilias; Axel Plathe, UNESCO

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