[FoME] Weltbank: "Development Communication Sourcebook"

Christoph Dietz christoph.dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Mi Aug 6 17:19:25 CEST 2008

Development communication sourcebook: broadening the boundaries of communication
By Paolo Mefalopulos
Washington DC: World Bank, xx + 244 p.

This book is essential reading for anybody interested in development communication. Mefalopulos, a World Bank development communication officer with wide-ranging experiences in the field, presents four "modules". The first module concisely presents the concepts and applications of development communications and their relevance for development operations. The second module addresses communication officers and practitioners who want to become acquainted with the theoretical foundations. The third focuses on methodological applications of development communication, describing the typical program cycle of communication-based assessment, strategy design, implementation and evaluation. The fourth module presents practical experiences to illustrate DevComm's relevance, including e.g. the use of development communication in poverty reduction strategies or strengthening local voices through community radio. Given its modular structure, this straight-forward publication is a valuable resource on the strategic use of communication processes in development.

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