[FoME] Wtrlt: Invitation for the Asia-Pacific and Europe Media Dialogue 3-5, SeptemberBonn/Germany

Michael Troester Michael.Troester at fes.de
Mi Mai 23 15:50:36 CEST 2007

Dear Madam, dear Sir,

It is a pleasure to invite you to the 2nd Asia-Pacific and Europe Media Dialogue which will be held from 3-5, September in Bonn,Germany. The conference's main theme will be "The Media and the Millennium Development Goals". For further details on the exciting programme, please refer to the attached flyer.

This high level conference is directed towards media managers from radio and TV stations, and other high-ranking media officials, academics and international media representatives. The Bonn meeting is supported by numerous international organisations. For further details kindly turn to the attached invitation by Erik Bettermann, Director-General of Deutsche Welle radio & TV international.

Please note that the attached registration form can only be faxed to the AIBD which co-ordinates all registration activities centrally in Kuala Lumpur. Kindly send the form by Fax ONLY to: +60-3 2282 2761.

So make sure to register quickly in order not to miss this exciting exchange of ideas and great networking opportunity. 

Looking forward to seeing you in Bonn in September. This is a conference you cannot afford to miss!

Best regards, 

Adelheid Feilke-Tiemann, (Head of International Relations, Deutsche Welle), 
Javad Mottaghi (Director, AIBD), 
David Lewis (Assistant Secretary-General, EBU)

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V. 
Vorstandsvorsitzende: Anke Fuchs 
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Dr. Roland Schmidt 
Godesberger Allee 149, D-53175 Bonn 
Tel. ++49 (0)228/883-0 
Fax ++49 (0)228/883-432 
Berliner Anschrift: 
Hiroshimastr. 17, 10785 Berlin 
mailto: info at fes.de
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