[FoME] Call for proposals: EU study on Indicators for media pluralism

Christoph Dietz christoph.dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Do Mär 15 09:26:18 CET 2007

EU Study on Indicators for media pluralism in the Member States: towards a risk-based approach 

The official Europe's Information society department has launched a new call for proposals. Deadline submission: 31 May 2007.

The primary objective of the study is to define sets of indicators in order to measure: (1) policies and legal instruments that support pluralism in EU Member States; (2) the range of media available to citizens in different Member States; (3) supply side indicators on the economics of the media, together with some analysis of how new technology is affecting existing industry structures, for instance convergence. Taken together, the indicators should be placed within a risk-based analytical framework; (4) for assessing pluralism across the Member States. Media includes radio and TV broadcasting, national and regional press, magazines, together with Internet media. However, the scope of the study should not exclude book publishing sector insofar as the sector could be part of the editorial and commercial strategy of certain multimedia operators. Please learn more on the official Europe's Information society Web site: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/newsroom/cf/news.cfm?redirection=1&item_type=fo&item_subtype=tenders

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