[FoME] European Commission: CfP television programmes on developing country issues

Christoph Dietz christoph.dietz at CAMECO.ORG
Mi Jun 20 10:24:55 CEST 2007

(07/06/07) Call for Proposals / Appel à propositions :

"Awareness raising in the field of developement - Audiovisual projects
for television 2007"
The European Commission is launching a call for proposals for the
co-financing of awareness raising actions for television on developing
country issues and would like to draw your attention to the attached
The deadline for receipt of applications is Thursday 4 October 2007 at
16 h. 

"Within the framework of its awareness raising activities on
development issues, the European Commission (E.C.) wishes to promote the
production and broadcasting of television programmes on European TV
channels, likely to contribute to a better understanding by the public
of the realities of the developing world, of the need for North-South
co-operation and of European actions and initiatives in this field. This
call for proposals aims to identify projects of television programmes,
which could benefit from financial support of the E.C. The global
indicative amount available under the present call for proposals is 1
000 000 EUR. The EC reserves the right not to award all available funds.
The following minimum and maximum amounts apply to the grants for the
individual actions which may be financed under the programme: minimum
amount : 75 000 EUR, maximum amount : 250 000 EUR" 

More details at:

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