[FoME] Myth of the global Internet

Leo Van Audenhove leo.van.audenhove at vub.ac.be
Sa Jun 9 14:39:29 CEST 2007

(sorry for any cross-posting)

The Myth of the Global Internet:
Unequal Infrastructures, Invisible Controls, Multiple Cultures

ECREA- One Day Symposium

10 October 2007
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University Brussels (Belgium)

Call For Papers:

The Internet is often heralded as an open infrastructure spanning the  
entire globe. It allows for people of all nations to communicate over  
borders, to consume the growing amount of information and  
entertainment available, to participate in the multiple participatory  
platforms and web 2.0 applications. The Internet is often identified  
as the key driving force in all processes of globalization. The  
aftermath of 9/11 seems to have considerably undermined the older  
myth of the media induced 'global village'. However, when it comes to  
the Internet the 'Myth of the Global Internet' seems to be more  
resilient. There are however many issues and processes which might  
question the 'globalness' of the Internet. Access and speeds of  
networks differ considerably resulting in different uses worldwide,  
localization techniques and DRM systems construct new borders  
resulting in different Internet experiences, different governments  
hold different opinions on Internet governance, government firewalls  
keep large parts of the globe locked in filtered worlds, local uses  
of the Internet grow considerably faster than International uses,  
languages and cultures are barriers for genuine global debate.

This Symposium aims to critically reflect on the Internet as a global  
medium. The ECREA section on International and Intercultural  
Communication therefore invites scholars from different disciplines  
to address—empirically and/or theoretically—the following themes:

-Internet governance
-Internet and language
-Global Internet use and flows
-Internet in the developing world
-Global Internet infrastructures
-Commodification of the Internet
-Cultural diversity and the Internet
-Censorship on the Internet
-Localization strategies
-DRM strategies and consequences
-Etnographies of the Internet

The deadline for submission of abstracts (max 500 words) is 15/07/2007

Please send your abstract to: Dorien.Baelden at vub.ac.be

Mention: name(s) of author(s), institution(s) and a contact e-mail  

This One-Day Symposium preceeds the ECREA Symposium 'Equal  
Opportunities and Communication Rights: Representation, Participation  
and the European Democratic Deficit' which also takes place in  
Brussels on 11 and 12 October 2007.

ECREA Section on International and Intercultural Communication

Leo Van Audenhove (Vrije Universiteit Brussel - chair)
Rico Lie (University of Wageningen - vice chair)
Luciano Morganti (Vrije Universiteit Brussel - vice chair)
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