[FoME] Mentoringprogramm für Wissenschaftsjournalisten in Entwicklungsländern
Lublinski at aol.com
Lublinski at aol.com
Do Aug 31 14:01:34 CEST 2006
Liebe Fome-Kollege,
ich möchte Sie darauf aufmerksam machen, dass der Weltverband der
Wissenschaftsjournalisten ein Mentoringprogramm für Journalisten in Afrika und im Nahen
Osten gestartet hat. Ich kopiere eine Kurzfassung des Projektes untendran.
Ausführlichere Informationen finden Sie unter _www.wfsj.org_
Ich selbst bin für das Monitoring und die Evaluation des Projektes
zuständig. Weil das Projekt u.a. von der kanadischen Entwicklungshilfeorganisation
IDRC finanziert wird, werde ich mich dabei der Methode des "Outcome Mappings"
Außerdem baue ich im Rahmen des Projektes gemeinsam mit den Kollegen von
_www.scidev.net_ (http://www.scidev.net) einen "Online Course in Science
Journalism" auf.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen in die Runde
Jan Lublinski
Dr. Jan Lublinski
von-Sandt-Str. 31
53225 Bonn
tel.: +49-228-4224-937
mobil: +49-173-585-2992
Project: Peer-to-Peer Development and Support of Science Journalism
in the Developing World
This project has two main objectives: (1) mentoring of science journalists,
and (2) establishment of associations of science journalists in Africa and
the Middle East.
1- Mentoring program
The mentoring program will associate aspiring science journalists with
experienced science journalists for a maximum period of two years. There will be
three groups of mentored journalists: Anglophone Africa, Francophone Africa
and the Middle East. Each group will include a regional coordinator, 5 mentors
and 20 mentored journalists. Following selection of the participating
journalists, the peer-to-peer coaching will begin through e-mail and phone calls.
Once a year, tied to a field visit or a scientific conference, a workshop in
each region will bring together mentors and journalists.
The program’s first step will be a training session for all mentors and
coordinators, in July 2006. Mentors will be recruited in the regions and from
different parts of the world. All mentors will need English, while some will
also need either Arabic or French. A formal agreement will spell out clearly the
responsibilities of mentors and what the mentored science journalist can ask
and expect.
Throughout the duration of the mentoring scheme, the World Federation of
Science Journalists will systematically facilitate opportunities for the
participating journalists to attend scientific meetings, participate in exchange
programs and access resources, scholarships and other training opportunities.
2 – Mentoring of associations
The project will also twin young associations of science journalists with
long-established ones while providing means for consultancies, exchanges and
the organization of selected activities (training workshops).
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