[fessenheim-fr] Fw: Nuclear Monitor

ECOtrinova eV Georg Löser ecotrinova at web.de
So Apr 11 23:26:22 CEST 2021

Liebe Leute, 
das (WISE aus Amsterdam, später NIRS Nuclear Monitor) hatten BUND BW, dann ich Jahrzehnte im Abo. Ist kostengünstig.
Hat es jemand im ABO oder will abonnieren? Bitte Nachricht wenn ja)
Es gab früher gelegentlich auch Beiträge von Leuten aus der Region, vor allen zum Uranbergbau.
Herzlich Georg, 11.4.2021
Dr. Georg Löser
ECOtrinova e.V., gemeinnütziger Verein, Freiburg i.Br., Vorsitzender
www.ecotrinova.de, ecotrinova at web.de Post: Weiherweg 4 B, D-79194 Gundelfingen
ECOtrinova e.V. ist für seine Gemeinschaftsprojekte, u.a. das Samstags-Forum Regio Freiburg, mehrfach preisgekrönt: 2020 Umweltbildungspreis Stadt Freiburg, 2014 Projekt UN-Dekade Bildung nachhaltige Entwicklung, 2013 Preis Stiftung Klimaschutz+ Heidelberg, 2011 1. Preis Umweltschutz Stadt Freiburg, 2009 2. Platz Ehrenamt BW

Gesendet: Samstag, 10. April 2021 um 12:45 Uhr
Von: "Georg Löser" 
An: ecotrinova at web.de
Betreff: Fw: Nuclear Monitor


Gesendet: Freitag, 09. April 2021 um 16:59 Uhr
Von: "Gerard Brinkman" <Gerard at wisenederland.nl>
An: "Gerard Brinkman" <Gerard at wisenederland.nl>
Betreff: Nuclear Monitor

Dear reader,

Some time ago you were a subscriber to the Nuclear Monitor, a magazine that has been published for a long time and keeps a critical eye on new developments in the nuclear industry.  After a brief interruption, the Nuclear Monitor has started with a new editorial team.  
In this email I would like to ask you two questions.
 Because we want to make an interesting and readable magazine every month, I'm always looking for new articles. If you have written an article or are planning to do so, please let me know. I will send the previous edition as an example. The length of the articles can vary from 100 words up to 4,000. In the next edition we will start a new section with short news about anti-nuclear actions. It gives the possibility to announce actions and campaigns to an international audience.
The second is of course if you would like to renew your subscription and join us again at the Nuclear Monitor. Check the possiblities on https://wiseinternational.org/nuclear-monitor/subscribe-nuclear-monitor. When you write an article for the Nuclear Monitor, a discount on the subscription fee is of course possible .
Please let me know if you have any questions.


Kind regards
Gerard Brinkman
Campaigner nuclear energy WISE Netherlands
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