[fessenheim-fr] eu-threatening-nuc.-power, eu-needs-to-allocate-more-funds-to-nuc-research-and-innovation, ...
giraffigard-f-heim at yahoo.de
Do Sep 5 22:18:02 CEST 2019
Salut à tout le monde,
bonnes nouvelles??!!
----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -----Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. September 2019 Betreff: eu-threatening-nuclear-power, eu-needs-to-allocate-more-funds-to-nuclear-research-and-innovation, standupfornuclear.org
Die EU will AKW offenbar nicht länger als nachhaltig einstufen.
Die AKW-Lobby ist in heller Aufregung und versucht, die unten angefügte Eingabe dagegen (Frist 13.9.).
Bitte Info verbreiten.
EU want to downgrade nuclear plants because they are nut sustainable. Nuclear Lobby ist under fire short time before the end of Atomic Industrie. Important to tell that the 13.9.2019 is a very important date to stop nuclear industry in EU.-> 4thgeneration.energy/eu-threatening-nuclear-power/
Dying for help before shutdown of nuke industry?-> foratom.org/press-release/eu-needs-to-allocate-more-funds-to-nuclear-research-and-innovation/
The very last breath of nuclear power?-> standupfornuclear.org
Zur InfoViele GrüßeW.
But we have until September 13th to do something about it! (if you live in the EU)
The European Commission has under review a Sustainable Finance Taxonomy (SFT) which, as of now, will classify nuclear energy as unsustainable.
EU needs to allocate more funds to nuclear research and innovation
Sep 3, 2019Brussels, 3 September 2019: Nuclear research and innovation (R&I) projects need to receive a higher level of financial support from the European Union (EU) in order to help the bloc meet its climate and energy goals, according to a new position paper issued by FORATOM. More EU funding should be allocated to those areas which provide the most added value, and which can, in particular, help the EU decarbonise its economy. In addition, synergies between the various EU R&I programmes, such as Horizon Europe and Euratom Research and Training 2021-2025, should be ensured to enable cross-sectoral innovation cooperation.
Why stand up for nuclear?
Only nuclear can lift all humans out of poverty while protecting the natural environment.
In spite of this, nuclear is under attack in Europe, Asia, and North America by anti-nuclear activists who are funded by natural gas and renewable energy interests.
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