[BFP] Support of Handbike-Sportmens

Konni Schmidt konni.schmidt at posteo.de
Do Feb 15 14:01:44 CET 2018

deutsche Übersetzung weiter unten.

Dear friends of Peace,

by Facebook we have contact with one organization in Tseboksary, 500 km
east of Moscow.

We like to support them by one donation of 10.000 Rubel (ca. 140 Euro).

Maybe you also want help us to make bigger our support.

You can see the information here:


Thank you for your support


- Идеальное движение <https://www.facebook.com/handbikes.ru/?rc=p>

Handbikes - Идеальное движение
<https://www.facebook.com/handbikes.ru/?rc=p> Dear Konni Schmidt
<https://www.facebook.com/konni.schmidt.7?hc_location=ufi>, thank you
for your support! The best way is to arrange several payment on the
official crowdfunding page of the project:
this will indicate, how many people supported the project of Pavel. We
will contact you via email today!

To our Russian peace friends
Maybe also you can contact them yourself. Its easier for you to speak
with them in Russian language.

If you are able to send us more informations, please do it.

Our Vice-president is also Handbiker and so we know how important is
this support (and how expensive are the devices!)

Peace and friendship



Liebe FriedensfreundInnen,

wir möchten gerne eine Crowdfunding-Aktion in Russland zugunsten einer
handbike-gruppe unterstützen.

Details findet ihr auf meiner facebook-Timeline:



Friedliche Grüße


Bike for Peace and New Energies e. V.
Wormser Str. 27
D-67657 Kaiserslautern
Mobil: +49-176-633-215-46
Konni.Schmidt at bikeforpeace.net

Man/Frau kann sich in unserer Mailingliste selbst eintragen:

Vereinsregister Kaiserslautern: Nr. 30079

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