[BFP] Thank you from Olga Rabikova

Konni Schmidt konni.schmidt at posteo.de
Fr Mai 16 23:27:35 CEST 2014

Dear Konni and dear friends of “Bike for Peace and New Energies, 
participators of tours Paris- Moscow 2006-2010!

Let me express my heartfelt gratitude all of you for the words of support in 
these difficult days for me, when my heart aches with grief that my son Maxim 
and your friend so prematurely gone from us.

I thank all of you for your memories of him and decision of NGO  “Bike for 
Peace and New Energies”  to award him the Medal of "Angel of Peace".

I believe that he hears your kind words about him and thank you also.
I will try to find the power  to live alone.

Thank you very much for the invitation to Verdun in September. I will try to 
come and I will be happy to meet with all of you again and sing the song 
memory about Maxim.
 Take care.
Olga Rjabikova

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