[BFP] New press release - 2 Neue Pressemitteilungen und Ostermarsch am 4. April in Büchel

Konni Schmidt konni.schmidt at bikeforpeace.net
So Mär 28 18:06:44 CEST 2010

Dear friends of peace,
beside i send you 2 new press releases in german language.
Maybe somebody is able to translate it for us: to english, french, polish or 
russian language. Thank you!
Please feel free to send it to all journals, magazins and news papers in all 
countries or to put at your website..
Also i send you the leaflet about the german actions at easter sunday.

At the end of this email you'll find the english version of the invitation to 
this event.



Liebe Freunde
im Anhang übersende ich euch 2 Pressemitteilungen. Wenn jemand sie übersetzen 
kann in: englisch, französisch, polnisch oder russisch, so gebt uns schnell 
Bitte übersendet die Presse-Mitteilung an alle euch bekannten Zeitungen, 
Magazine usw.. Wer sie auf seine Webseite stellen kann: auch dazu möge sich 
jeder aufgefordert fühlen.
Außerdem füge ich Euch den Ostermarschaufruf für die Aktionen gegen den 
Atomwaffenstützpunkt Büchel bei. 

Bike for Peace wird dort eine Fahrradumrundung des Fliegerhorstes 
organisieren. Alle Freunde sind herzlich eingeladen:
Oster-Sonntag, 4. April, 11:55 
Ort der Auftaktkundgebung: "Gelände am Bürgerhaus". 
Das ist in Büchel in der Schulstraße gegenüber vom Kindergarten. 

Büchel liegt in der Eifel ca. 60 km südöstlich von Koblenz zwischen Ulmen und 
Cochem an der Mosel. 
Busverbindung ab Cochem.

Vielen Dank für Eure Hilfe! Vielleicht sehen wir uns in Büchel!
Friedliche Grüße
Konni Schmidt

Ausführliche Information zu den Aktionen in Büchel in Deutsch und weiter unten 
in englisch.

for English translation and some more background information see below

Liebe Friedensfreund_innen und Atomwaffengegner_innen,

in wenigen Tagen ist es soweit: Am Ostersonntag, dem 4. April, wollen 
wir um fünf vor zwölf in Büchel mit der Auftaktkundgebung zu unserem 
Protestmarsch beginnen. Zeitgleich beginnt die Fahrrad-Umrundung des 
Atomwaffen-Stützpunktes von "Bike for Peace".
Hier findet Ihr das Aufrufflugblatt, und darin mehr Einzelheiten: 
Es gibt von diesen Flugblättern noch einige Hundert, die unter die Leute 
gebracht werden wollen. Bitte bestellt schnell bei Marion und verteilt 
sie (hamburg (at) bombspotting (punkt) org oder Tel. 040 4307332).

Diese Aktion ist Teil eines internationalen Protestwochenendes. Außer 
den vielen Ostermärschen überall in Deutschland sollen am europaweiten 
Aktionstag (3. April) Aktionen an allen europäischen 
Atomwaffenstandorten stattfinden, um damit einen Monat vor der nuklearen 
Abrüstungskonferenz (NPT) in New York unseren gemeinsamen Protest 
deutlich sichtbar zu machen. Aktuell fordern bezüglich der Atomwaffen in 
Büchel fünf Aussenminister der NATO-Länder Belgien, Luxemburg, 
Deutschland, Norwegen und Niederlande den Abzug der zirka 200 
US-Atomwaffen aus Europa (Belgien, Niederlande, Italien, Türkei und 
Deutschland). Dagegen stehen die Bestrebungen in den USA, u.a. des 
US-Verteidigungssekretärs Robert Gates, diese Atombomben zu 

Es geht uns bei den Protesten gegen die Atomwaffen hier und gegen die 
Nukleardoktrin der NATO grundsätzlich auch gegen die Angriffskriege und 
den Wahnsinns-Rüstungshaushalt der NATO. Speziell beim "Fliegerhorst" 
Büchel, dem größten deutschen Luftwaffenstützpunkt, geht es uns um die 
Beteiligung der dortigen Bundeswehr-Soldaten am Krieg in Afghanistan und 
den zum Bücheler-Waffensortiment gehörenden neuen nuklearfähigen 
Marschflugkörper "Taurus" und der bunkerbrechenden Uranbombe "GBU-24".

Wir werden eine "Klagemauer" einrichten, um an die Opfer der 
Atombombenabwürfe und -test weltweit und der Toten und Leidenden durch 
die (Angriffs-)Kriege der NATO, auch mit deutscher und Bücheler 
Beteiligung zu erinnern. Bitte bringt entsprechende Plakate, Fotos, 
Transparente mit. 

Zur Ankunft am "Fliegerhorst" wird es heiße Suppe und Getränke geben, 
bio und vegan gekocht vom mobilen Aktionskochkollektiv Rampenplan, die 
2008 auch schon das Camp versorgt haben.

Außer Musik wird es Redebeiträge von u.a. Tobias Pflüger (IMI), Kate 
Hudson (CND aus Großbritannien), Günther Schneider (BIEGAS/ US-Basis 
Spangdahlem) und Richard Pestemer (Mayors for Peace aus dem Hunsrück) 

Gutes Wetter ist bestellt, so dass wir uns auf einen gut besuchten und 
erfolgreichen "Ostermarsch in Büchel" mit Euch freuen. Bringt Freunde 
und Verwandte mit.

Liebe Grüße, und bis bald        Marion und Carsten für die GAAA

Dear friends ,

at five to twelve on Easter Sunday, the 4th of April,we are protesting 
in Büchel (60 km south of Koblenz) and also at the other European 
nuclear weapons bases (further information in English: 
www.vredesactie.be/article.php?id=640 ). The 3rd (4th ) April is 
announced as the Europe-wide action day, to make our united protest 
clearly visible just one month before the non-proliferation treaty 
conference will start in New York!

Concerning the nuclear weapons in Büchel, to date the foreign ministers 
of five NATO countries -- Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, the Netherlands 
and Norway -- are demanding in NATO the withdrawal of the approximately 
200 US-nuclear weapons from Europe (Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, 
Turkey and Italy). In contrast to this stands the desire of some, 
including the US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, to "modernise" these 

Besides protesting against nuclear weapons and against the nuclear 
doctrine in NATO, we are also opposing first strike wars and NATO's huge 
armament budget. Specifically regarding the Büchel air base, which is 
the biggest German air base, we oppose the participation of the 
"Bundeswehr" soldiers (German army) in Afghanistan and also their 
weapons assortment: the nuclear capable cruise missile "Taurus" and the 
bunker buster uranium bomb "GBU-24".
Please bring pictures or similar things for our fence, which we want to 
use as a "Wailing Wall", a memorial place for the victims of dropping 
and testing atomic bombs and for the dead and suffering people of the 
(first strike) NATO-wars with German participation.

Organic and vegan soup and drinks will be provided by the mobile kitchen 
collective "Rampenplan".

Our protest speakers will be Tobias Pflüger (IMI), Kate Hudson (CND from 
"Great Britain"), Günther Schneider (BIEGAS/ US-Base Spangdahlem) and 
Richard Pestemer (Mayors for Peace from Hunsrück).

We look forward to have a well visited and successful "Easter march in 

Greetings from Marion and Carsten for GAAA

For the English speaking people some more background information:

US nuclear weapons in Germany

At this moment 11 -- 20 US nuclear bombs, with a total estimated 
explosive force of 150 Hiroshima bombs, are stored on the Büchel 
military base. German airmen of the 33rd Jagdbombengeschwader ("hunter 
airwing") are trained on the use of Tornado aircraft capable of dropping 
type-B61 nuclear warheads. In the event of a war, German soldiers -- 
obligated under NATO treaty participation to be under the direct command 
of the US military -- would be required to fly these nuclear bombs from 
German territory and drop them on their targets. This is only possible 
through the voluntary agreement of our German government participating 
in the "nuclear sharing agreement" with NATO. Also in Büchel B61-11 
mini-nukes could be secretly stored with the US- Special Munition 
Support Squadron (MUNSS) in their extra secured area, for which only 
they are in charge; and instead of the B61, nuclear warheads could be 
loaded on the Tornados. Since 1999 NATO has held to the military 
doctrine of the "first strike option" with nuclear weapons -- and 
discussing actually using them even on countries not themselves 
possessing nuclear weapons. This is yet another mad scenario, like the 
war campaign directed against Iran.
Currently 40,000 US soldiers are stationed in Germany -- 85% of all US 
personnel in Europe. It should be recalled that ~90% of US supplies and 
personnel going to the Middle East passes through US bases on German soil.

Illegal and against International Law
In 1996 the opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in Den 
Haag, Holland, declared nuclear weapons illegal because the threat and 
use of nuclear weapons are generally against the precepts of 
international law. The deployment of nuclear weapons and NATO nuclear 
sharing violate the right to life and guarantee to be free from threats 
of physical harm (Art.2, paragraph 2, sentence 1, German basic 
constitutional law). Both are unconstitutional. Further, the preperation 
for an illegal nuclear attack is forbidden under Article 26, paragraph 1 
of international law and under the German basic constitutional law. Also 
the international Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) forbids Germany to 
receive or take control of nuclear weapons from other countries. This is 
tantamount to a preparation for mass murder.
All of these facts convinced us that we have an obligation to resist 
nuclear weapons through non-violent direct actions.

Campaign for a Nuclear Weapons Free Germany
The German Trägerkreis "Atomwaffen abschaffen -- bei uns anfangen!" 
(Carrier Circle "Abolition of nukes -- starts with us!") is comprised of 
48 organizations (including GAAA, the Mayors for Peace, the Lawyers 
(IALANA) and Doctors (IPPNW) against nuclear weapons, the professional 
bikers against nuclear weapons (Pacemakers), Darmstädter Signal (retired 
"Bundeswehr" German officers and soldiers), Pax Christi...). For the 
next NPT Conference at the United Nation in New York in 2010 it's 
campaign "Our Future - Nuclear Weapon Free," calls for our government 
deputy to declare a nuclear-free Germany. Last November the new German 
CDU (Christian Democrat) and FDP (Liberals) coalition has agreed on a 
policy of withdrawal of US nuclear weapons from Germany. Belgium, 
Germany and the Netherlands hold some of the roughly 200 U.S. tactical 
nuclear weapons that remain in Europe, though most are estimated to be 
in Italy and Turkey. NATO members Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and 
Norway debating in NATO that "nuclear arms on European soil belonging to 
other NATO member states are removed," according to a spokesman for 
Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme. In contradiction: The US Department 
of Energy is requesting a budget of close to $2 billion to modernize the 
country's oldest models of nuclear weapons, including those being kept 
in Germany. Besides others NNSA administrator Thomas d'Agostino and 
Defense Secretary Robert Gates both back a comprehensive modernization 
of U.S. nuclear weapons. More information: 

Short history of GAAA
GAAA was founded in 1996 as a campaign among other things to achieve 
through non-violent civil disobedience a nuclear-free Germany as one 
step towards a nuclear-free world. We developed out of the 
Atomteststopp-Kampagne (Nuclear Teststopp Campaign), which was founded 
in 1988 under the name Friedenstestkampagne (Peace Test Campaign).This 
again was one of many "layers" from the Kampagne Ziviler Ungehorsam bis 
zur Abrüstung (Campaign Civil Disobedience to Disarmament), which 
successfully worked against the nuclear weapons upgrade of the US 
Pershing II and Cruise Missiles here in Germany during the 1980's. To 
the present GAAA organized nine trespass actions/Go-In actions. Seven of 
them were at the Büchel nuclear weapons base (these actions we call 
"Civil Inspections"), and two were at the United States European Command 
(EUCOM) in Stuttgart, Germany. We are now also a member organization of 
DFG-VK (German Peace Society of War Resisters) and through this 
affiliated with WRI (War Resister International).

5. Friedensradfahrt Paris - Moskau
2. Juli - 29. August 2010

Bike for Peace and New Energies e. V.
Wormser Str. 27
D-67657 Kaiserslautern
Mobil:  +49-176-633-215-46
Fax: +49-1212-510-805-686

Konni.Schmidt at bikeforpeace.net

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