Windows build of ARBTT

Adrian Wilkins adrian.wilkins at
Thu Jul 3 12:51:04 CEST 2014

More questions from the noob ...

* Is there a technical reason why the Windows build of ARBTT has lagged 
behind the Linux build so much, or is it just inertia about building it?

 From my POV I'll process the stats on my Linux machine, so if 
arbtt-capture still has the same capability and format, I don't mind so 
much.. but...

* I tried to start up the current 0.61 version and got

OpenProcess: permission denied

This seems to be a problem with requesting the PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION 
permission. PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION might be more appropriate 
(but XP has no such permission level).

Also our corporate image has some unpleasant corporate malware on it, 
and I'm not making any effort to start arbtt-capture with elevated 
rights. I managed to collect window titles from the current focussed 
window by using hooks without this kind of problem and without 
elevating, so maybe alternate approaches / Win32 API calls might be 
worth looking at.

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