arbtt-stats: Unsupported TimeLogEntry version tag 0

Alexander Batischev at
Tue Jun 3 18:03:15 CEST 2014


I'm running version 0.8 here.

I start arbtt-capture from my ~/.xsession like that:

    arbtt-capture &

After running the demon for some time, arbtt-stats starts reporting the
following error:

    arbtt-stats: Unsupported TimeLogEntry version tag 0

(and no report is shown, of course). I hypothesised that it is caused by
arbtt-capture being terminated in a wrong way when I terminate my
X session (which I do every few weeks).

I tried to run arbtt-capture in foreground and terminate it with Ctrl-C, but
it didn't cause a problem. So I deleted the log, then run arbtt-capture
for a few minutes to get some entries, and then truncated it by one

    dd if=capture.log of=new count=1331 ibs=1 && mv -f new capture.log

That did the trick: the error showed up again.

So it seems that I sometimes manage to terminate my X session while
arbtt-capture is writing its log. Can something be done to make
arbtt-capture more resilient to situations like that?

Alexander Batischev

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