tagging inactive intervals

Joachim Breitner mail at joachim-breitner.de
Tue Dec 31 18:32:37 CET 2013


I’m not sure if arbtt will ever be suitable for billing purposes, but
let’s see how far we get and concentrate on this example:

Am Montag, den 30.12.2013, 22:51 +0000 schrieb Oren Gampel:
> For example, consider I would like to tag every time I'm working on a 
> project for client A. I use Eclipse so I write the rule:
> current window $program == "Eclipse" && 
>   current window $title =~ m!clientA!
>   ==> tag Work_for_A,
> During my work I often browse the web, make a quick phone call, and 
> sometime even lean back and think for 2 minutes.
> Still, I would like to have all this time "billed" to client A.

Now, for leaning back or making a phone call, that rule should work, as
it is still the active window. Experiment with the --also-inactive
option to arbtt-stats, or do not set the "inactive" tag in the first
place, if this is hindering you.

About browsing, what if you use the following rule instead?
  any window ($program == "Eclipse" && $title =~ m!clientA!)
     ==> tag Work_for_A,
Assuming you don’t leave your first’s work open when you start working
on another client’s work, this will reliably catch all the times,
including those that you spend surfing the web.

Also note that category tags are assigned at most once per category. So
if you have
  any window ($program == "Eclipse" && $title =~ m!clientA!)
     ==> tag Work:For_A,
  any window ($program == "Eclipse" && $title =~ m!clientB!)
     ==> tag Work:For_B,
then at not time, both clients are billed. (If both files are open, it
defaults to For_A, I believe).

> In other words, I would like arbtt-stats output to ignore minor 
> inactivity times in a specific tasks as related to that tasks.

In yet other words, you want to have a option
which assignes TAG to a sample if it has been assigned to a sample
before and after that. Or rather a categorize-option?

I am a bit wary because it requires looking into the future of the
currently investigated tag, which raises the complexity of code and
algorithms, and will prevent you from getting accurate results for
samples taken just now, i.e. their tags will change depending on what
you do later.

Joachim “nomeata” Breitner
  mail at joachim-breitner.dehttp://www.joachim-breitner.de/
  Jabber: nomeata at joachim-breitner.de  • GPG-Key: 0x4743206C
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