arbtt feedback

Gwern Branwen gwern0 at
Sat Sep 15 20:22:49 CEST 2012

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 6:16 AM, Joachim Breitner
<mail at> wrote:
> thanks for your feedback. Do you mind moving this to
> arbtt at

I'm not subscribed, so...

> Do you have it compiled with ghc 7.4? Performance has improved a lot
> since then – I analyze my 40MB of logs in 20 seconds using 1616MB of
> memory. But surely it can do better; when I wrote arbtt I did know much
> less about Haskell performance than I do now. Also the internal data
> structure keeps references to the future and the past (the plan was that
> the config language can also query that), but that prevents the GC from
> throwing out a lot of things.

I'm using whatever Debian testing has: 0.6.2-1 & ghc 7.0.4.

> This is a valid request. Currently, the system makes no assumption of
> the ordering of entries in the file. Some code that checks for
> $sampleage relations and fast-forwards the log file to the right
> position might help (although it still needs to be read linearly, as
> there is no seek information and the records are of varying length).

I'd expect just some sort of filter would give the right behavior -
'filter (userInput) $ parse $ read file' if you follow me. with
$sampleage, this ought to throw out every entry until it hits <24:00
ago and then the filter starts returning some entries.

> Ok, that should be fixable easy by allowing a list of values on the RHS
> of a == or =~. Is this what you would want to use?

I *think* that should work.

> Oh, and while I am at it I implemented "... == [ "x", "y", "z"]" and
> "... =~ [ m!regex1!, m!regex2!]" support. Do you want to test it from
> or should I just release it?

I can't compile it - src/Data.hs spits an error:

    Could not deduce (NFData UTCTime) arising from a use of `deepseq'
    from the context (NFData a)
      bound by the instance declaration at src/Data.hs:30:10-44
    Possible fix:
      add (NFData UTCTime) to the context of the instance declaration
      or add an instance declaration for (NFData UTCTime)
    In the first argument of `deepseq', namely `a `deepseq` b'
    In the first argument of `deepseq', namely
      `a `deepseq` b `deepseq` c'
    In the expression: a `deepseq` b `deepseq` c `deepseq` ()
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
arbtt-0.6.3 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1


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